Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Not Today..

Almost late for work today.. 8.27 AM haha... actually it was 8.31 AM already according to my car's clock :P

I'm having a bet.. well, actually not a bet.. but just between me n my friend.. that we wont be late for work this month.. not even once.. hahaha..

see, the office displays monthly review on our attendance.. and one of our friend got an outstanding review in June.. she was never late, never call in sick, never forget to log into the attendance computer.. kinda make us jealous..

anyway.. it's the 8th of August... so far.. i still manage :P

1 comment:

Deepak Poddar said...

hehe, now thts a tough bet..i hardly remember any day (when i used to work) when i wasnt late for work :)))