Monday, July 10, 2006

Pirates of Caribbean 2

Watched it yesterday... hahaha but i forgot how the first one was, so i was a bit confused with things and kept throwing question at my bro every now n then "who is he/she?" "what's that?" .. lucky he remembered n WILLING to answer me :P very annoying, I KNOW, to watch movie with someone who asks all the time, but cant help it hahaha..

it was a good movie though, had a good laugh too :P .. seeing how it ends, Jack Sparrow missing, unsolved mission, i'm expecting Pirates of Caribbean 3 :D


23 said...

Jack Sparrow siapa sii? :b

Nitingke said...

Jack Sparrow --> bajak laut banci di Pirates of Caribbean tuh.. yg diperanin ama Johnny Depp :D

23 said...

it was supposed to be a retorical question ")

Nitingke said...

hahaha sorry.. well u found my weakness.. can never distinguish between retorical n real questions :P