Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ice Age 2

Yuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppp... I finally watched it last nite!!! and the road was pretty safe.. guess the demonstration was over by that time..

The movie was very funny, cant stop laughing thru out it, I'm even laughing now.. haha.. they r all so cuteeeee esp. scrat.. so hillarious.. then Diego so cool!! love him so muchie muchie!! :D No, i'm not gonna tell the story here, u have to watch it urself!!

It was worth watch it! Very Extremely Super Recommended!!! (note: great for stressed people)


josey said...

I've been wanting to see it. I'm glad it turned out to be good

dsentanu said...

Aku jd pengen nonton bsk kalo dah maen di Solo ^^

dsentanu said...


Sudah nonton juga hahahaha.. tapi gak di Solo. Kebetulan di Jogja ada 21 baru. Jadi nyoba ke situ kemarin (hari Senin dpt diskon goceng).

Lucu bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt...

Oh ya, ketemu wawan cmos juga noh pas mau makan di food court-nya.