Do u know that eating chillies makes u healthy? I just read in a mag yesterday about this.. sure I heard about chillies smooth ur skin, but I found out lots more yesterday!
Here, in Indonesia, most of our food contains chillies. Yup, we looooooooovvveeee spicy food hahaha.. :D scientists lately confirmed that chillies can make evil (disease) away from our body. In fact, chillies have vitamins in them, take paprikas, they r rich of vitamin C, while red chillies contain betakaroten and bioflavonoid. Here goes chillies:
!They Do Not Cause Tummy Ache!
Paul Bosland, PhD from The Chili Pepper Institute in New Mexico State University, USA, said that the antimicrobial capsaicin in chillies controls the growth of bad bacteries in our intestines (Uhm.. I think paprikas doesnt count here, since it is not spicy, it doesnt contain capsaicin..). The capsaicin also stimulates tissues inside our stomach, widens the blood vessels, and fixes blood flow too, to prevent us from irritation.
Chillies cures metabolism problem too (I go yay for that!!!). Food that goes in will be processed soon to give us energy, and that's good news for those who want to lose some weight. \(^o^)/ (another yay!!!) See, they do not cause tummy ache, 'cept if u eat too much of them! :P too much of something just brings u troubles..
!They Prevent Cancer!
Scientists in Pittsburgh Univ found that capsaicin makes cancer cells destroy themselves without affecting any healthy cells. Capsaicin is even believed could help in the process of cancer medication in the future.
!Chili-Making Slaves!
Chillies is very important when talking about Indonesian dishes. It is important in my home too, as what my cousin often says, "eating without chillies just aint eating!". They r very important that a long time ago, when Indonesia was still under the Dutch, there are slaves whose task was to make chili sauce. They work in the Dutch Lords house, who married an Indonesian. The tastier it is, the more expensive the slave's price.
!Why We Crave for Chillies!
Even though our lips feels like burnt, tears coming out of our eyes, then running nose and smelly sweat, or even swollen lips (that's me!) when we eat chillies, we just keep wanting them!! why??? Chillies are addictive, when capsaicin do the job (burning our mouth), our tongue tissues would send a hurt-signal to the brain. The brain, in order to protect the body, would produce endorphin, giving a feel of pleasure and comfy. The spicier the food is, the more endorphin would be produced, the happier u would be.
!A Friend for Our Heart!
Capsaicin, the one who makes chillies taste like chillies :P, has the ability to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, which means, the risk of stroke and heart attack is also reduced. Capsaicin is also anticoagulant: prevents coagulation, stops blood from clotting. A research was conducted in Thailand, where they check people's blood after eating a bowl of Spicy Thai Noodle. Their blood circulation way much better for 30 minutes and that's what the scientists believe that eating spicy food makes tromboembolism is very rare in Thailand.
Chillies have mucokinetic effect which clears slime (Indonesian: lendir) such as mucus. The spicy taste of chillies stimulate the tissues to produce liquid in mouth, throat, and lungs. This liquid helps to thined slime, so that it is easier to let it out. Sooooo... when u got flu, eat something spicy, even just temporary but ur nose would feel better.. hehe..
!Extinguish the Chili-Fire!
Now u dont have to worry about eating chillies for I got the recipe to handle the effect :D (of course from the mag!) U can drink either milk or yoghurt. This trick is said to be one of the most effective ways to cool ur tongue. In milk, or any dairy product, there is a substance called casein, which acts like a detergent that washes capsaicin from receptor nerve in our mouth, so that the spicy and hot taste would abate.
Translated from: Fit April 2006